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Campaign Platform

I’m running for Mayor to improve government transparency and accountability. Our campaign is people-powered, not bought by special interests with deep pockets. And I have demonstrated that with my voting record.

As a Councilmember, I fought for policies that ensure working families and immigrants are able to live and thrive in Santa Ana. For example, I voted to:

Protect rent control, ensuring that our families can afford to live in the city amidst rising housing costs. Special interest should not keep our families from being able to afford a good quality of life in Santa Ana.

Increase funding for parks and investment in youth because our children deserve neighborhoods that provide a good quality of life for them to grow up healthy.  Keeping youth busy and in positive environments is one way to mitigate crime in the city.

Approve responsible development projects with community labor agreements, because we need good paying union jobs in Santa Ana.


Rising housing costs and insufficient number of affordable housing units are some of the main issues our city is facing.  We have recently seen 30,000 families leave the city due to high housing costs. Santa Ana has taken a holistic, two-prong approach to addressing a complex issue by addressing current homelessness in a humane way and enacting preventative legislation such as Rent Control that helps keep people housed. We can and should do more.

As Santa Ana Mayor I will:


  • Fight to protect the city’s Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance (Rent Control) that prohibits landlords from increasing rent more than 3% per year and provides stronger protections for tenants from getting unjustly evicted. 

    • Corporate landlords have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get rid of rent control and continue to drastically increase rent for working families living paycheck to paycheck. 

  • Increasing the supply of affordable housing directly addresses the shortage of housing options available to low- and moderate-income families. 

    • By constructing new, affordable units and renovating existing ones, we can reduce competition for housing, lower rent prices, and provide more opportunities for people to find stable, affordable places to live.

  • Partner with CalWorks to manage unhoused populations on state property and railroad tracks to bring additional resources and quicker access to state-owned areas where the City lacks jurisdiction to enter and address unhoused encampments quickly. 

    • In addition, we need to expand the Quality of Life Team from two to four units to ensure faster, more personalized services. And increasing shelter capacity at our year-round shelter and converting motels into transitional housing are crucial steps for immediate relief and long-term solutions. 

  • Hold the OC Sheriff’s Department accountable for relocating unhoused individuals to Santa Ana and for not pushing other cities to address their homelessness issues. 

    • Santa Ana has long unfairly carried this burden for far too long. Santa Ana sued the County and in doing so, did not address practices by the Sheriff's that made our city the dumping ground for all the homeless throughout the County. 

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